Well, here it goes for Authentic People! I 'm supposed to introduce myself, so for those of you who don't really know me, just know that I love Jesus. So much!! I also enjoy anything and everything creative-- especially photography. I am independently educated (aka homeschooling) and I love music, theater, and dancing around the house. As well as daydreaming, writing on my typewriters, and reading (and writing) snail mail.
1} What's the nerdiest/geekiest/weirdest thing about you? That's easy. Everything about me is nerdy, but the biggest marker is probably when I won my school's spelling bee and had to go to the county spelling bee... on a Saturday morning. But hey, I got third, and I now have a new nickname- Spellmaster.
2} If you could live in a fictional universe from any book, movie, or television show, what would it be? Hmm... Maybe from Tangled. I'm not sure.
3} Little or big, practical or frivolous, what is one of your favorite items in your house? Medium, my typewriter.
4} Do you like animated movies? If so, what is your favorite? Yes, Tangled! That is my favorite movie of all time. Seriously.
5} What is your favorite household chore? Cleaning the kids' bathroom. I said this before, but as weird as it sounds, I like cleaning the floors in there and imagining I'm Cinderella...'sing sweet nightingale'... :)
6} What's your favorite thing to get at Starbucks (or your favorite coffee shop)? Well, considering that I don't really like coffee (sorry, you coffee lovers... I'm working on it.) Strawberries and Creme for sure!
7} What is your favorite pizza topping? Hamburger. (My Grandpa raises his own beef!)
8} Waffles or pancakes? Pancakes! In my house we eat them every Saturday morning and at least one night a week.
9} Do you like to play games? If so, what is your favorite? Apples. To. Apples.
10} Have you ever dyed your hair? Nope. Someday if I'm an artist, I may do something crazy if I can pull it off, but it feels like as a teenager it seems a bit fake.
12} Do you make your bed every morning? No. Not every morning, at least. But if I don't make it by about 8 'O clock (which is pretty much every day of the week), my sister faithfully reminds me, or sometimes pesters me to make it. And if I don't, or I don't do it just right, she'll make it, or just remake it until it's perfect. It's occasionally nice to have such an organized sister. :)
13} Picasso or Norman Rockwell? Uh, excuse me? Does this question really need to be asked? Norman Rockwell!!!! My f a v o r i t e artist of all time. He had so much talent! It's insane.
{This is my favorite painting of his}
Well, I suppose that concludes this post. Hopefully you learned something new about me! Also, feel free to link up if you want to join the party!