I've just been extremely busy. As you may or may not know, this past week was show week for Seussical. And it was a completely a m a z i n g week. I could ramble on this in numerous paragraphs, but frankly, I don't have time at the moment. However, I'll give you a few highlights of my blogging dry spell...
> Performing on [a real] stage for the first time in my life! <
> winning the greenroom award<
> seeing many, many friends and family members at all seven of my shows!<
> Meeting new and wonderful people <
> making plans and having a reserved theater for the midnight premier of The Hunger Games! (Thanks, Mrs. R.!<
> Getting asked to do someone's senior pictures! Woot! Woot! (I'm a little nervous, but I bet it'll go ok) <
> hanging out with younger kids before, after, and during show <
> singing new worship songs before show <
> finishing this watercolor (it could be better, but I'm satisfied with it.)<
> having warm enough weather to wear shorts <
> [today] a 3 mile run, a cool shower, and now peach+blackberry crisp and a Fringe. (all of this= perfection)<
That's all for now. Just wanted to let you know I was alive. :)
Love and a hug,